Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Gift of Food

Since the holiday season is upon us I thought I would take a moment to discuss gift giving. As you know, there are generic gifts that are always appropriate for certain occasions. For example, if you're going to a house warming party a nice bottle of wine is usually a safe bet. But, if you really want to make an impression you need to give something that has specific relevance to the recipient.

Recently I received an awesome gift from my sister, and part-time dishKarma camera women, Marla. She sent me the book Everything I Ate - A year in the life of my mouth, by Tucker Shaw. Yes, it's just like it sounds. A day by day account of everything Tucker ate in one year. For example, on this day last year Tucker had the following:

- mixed fruit salad, cherry yogurt from Time Inc. Cafeteria
- chicken and barley soup from Hale & Hearty Soups at Time Inc.
- bread + butter, Manhattan clam chowder, grilled halibut and
mixed vegetables at Grand Central Oyster Bar, NYC
- chocolate animal cookies
- Wheaties to round out the day 11:00pm

It's a fascinating book (notice he had two bowls of soup and a bowl of cereal) and extremely relevant considering my work on dishKarma. Now the pressure is on me to find something she'll really love. The problem is I have no idea what it will be. Drop a comment if you have any thoughts on a gift for Marla or general gift giving advice. I see a restaurant gift certificate in her future....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

99 designs on the wall...

Working with the good folks at 99designs has paid off and we're excited to roll out our brand spanking new logo! While the colors aren't finalized, I thought I'd share the design we came out with. Big thanks to all the designers for their hard work and great concepts during the contest window. The winner is nueromancer. The logo just kind of makes you feel good. I'm excited to look at it everyday!

What are your thoughts?