Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Ultimate Salad Lives on Mickey Mantle Drive

I recently visited Oklahoma City for the first time and had a blast. Who knew it was such a coolplace?
Before I left, my friend Justin reminded me that OKC was home to his ultimate salad – The Bouquet of Salads from Nonna’s.
Conveniently it was just a few blocks from my hotel on Mickey Mantle Drive. I walked over one afternoon, but it turns out the dish is only served during lunch and I was too late. The good news is they had a killer appetizer called the Mango Crab Stack that made it a worthwhile stop.
The lesson for me? We need to allow special notes attached to the dishes people upload so they can mention things like ‘only served at lunch.’

What sites/apps do you currently use to find great dishes? What would you like to see in the perfect food app?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What are you looking at?

Feast your eyes on FoodGawker...a great site featuring photos from food bloggers everywhere. The site seems very user friendly and is open to anyone who follows the rules of posting food photos. Share a favorite dish, recipe or just the photo - link to your blog and join the community that FoodGawker is creating.

Don't miss their sister site: SND (Sunday Nite Dinner). It's sort of like playing the ultimate meal game with your friends every Sunday!

Monday, October 12, 2009

On a recent road trip I had a killer meal at Emeril’s Orlando (I recommend the double cut pork chop). In every menu there was a special insert that promoted one of Emeril’s charitable programs and encouraged patrons to do their part. When I returned home and visited his Web site, I learned that Chef Lagasse lends his name and efforts to a number of worthy causes.
The one that really caught my eye was the “Come Together to Table Hunger” campaign. This was developed by Macy’s and Feeding America to raise money for local food banks.
In addition to a straightforward donation request on the site, Macy’s will donate a portion of all sales on October 17th. However, the most fun and unique aspect of the program encourages people to host dinner parties and asks guests to make donations in lieu of buying traditional gifts for the host.
Here at dishKarma we love going out to eat, trying new dishes and continuing to search for the ultimate meal. However, there is also something special about a great dinner party at home with friends and family.
The Come Together program is brilliant on so many levels. Clearly it’s a great way for Macy’s to promote their corporate social responsibility, while also driving additional sales. The site includes suggestions for dinner party themes, recipes and even music play lists endorsed by specific celebrity chefs (check out dK favorite Ming Tsai).
Did you host or attend one of these parties? Do you know of other unique charitable ideas or events that raise money for a similar cause?