Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ultimate Meeting of the Minds

Thanks to the magic of conference call technology, we had another great meeting on the Ultimate Meal Game (UMG). As always, brainstorming was in full swing and there was no shortage of BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goals). Fortunately we're all on the same page and realize the need to nail the core functionality before we go any futher.
We also kicked around some thoughts on what the look and feel of the brand should be. If done right, the UMG will be a cool lifehack that is fun, social and satisfying. We also want to tear down all barriers to entry and find a unique way for people to join. Rather than the normal 'create a profile' first approach, we want users to find the site and dive right in. That will be challenging but I think we're on the right track.
On Thursday we're going to review updated wireframes and some initial creative ideas. Looking forward to seeing the progress and sharing some early sketches with ya'll.

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